Feb 8, 2010

Wash off the staining makeup.
Take off those tight clothes.
Cry the tears to start a thousand rivers.
Take off that fake smile.
Cause I know it doesnt belong.
I feel the bullet coming
it wont take long.
Cause I know i cant be me unless your around.
You know the straight facts.
I know I dont deserve your smile.
I know i never did.
But I wish you could feel what I feel.

Jan 23, 2010

Something i thought of

Lost but not found.

I cross the seas to wait for you.

Skipping down the ocean's path,

to find the one I love at last.

Gleaming sparkles across fields of blue.

Take me home,

take me home.

The one I love is waiting for me there.

To hold me in his arms.

And take me to the seas again.

Nov 24, 2009

An ode to my bracelets

Semi sweet chocolate dreams
Inspiration at a glance
Take the Disturbed
make them treasure
but leave All that Remains
and Live in Love
for you are only Half Doomed
or So I Thought


Lets take it all
subtract the some
to get perfect figures
dancing on the jewelry boxes
can't stop until the spinning stops

Can't stop the movement of the graceful dancer
towards the life of knives and drugs
by the slipper or the forcing mother
who fulfills her nightmares in her child

trust the slipper
with all your might
they take you
slowly strip your innocence
filling it with knives and drugs
to make the slipper fit

Put on all the makeup
a mask to hide their fear
their guilt
their knives and drugs
cover it all up

"what a real dancer"
they all say

Tick tock

Ticking with all her might
eyes to the floor
shoulders slumped
shuffled feet
she wants to explode

she thinks too much
solves equations as she walks
conversations in her head
no one ever talks to her
forgets all she sees

no one thinks she exists
they all just let her pass
like a ghost
tick tock is all she knows.

Nov 10, 2009


Old friends reappear

like daytime shadows

saying lies

that make perfect sense



as if its all ok

but i know the truth

you are my demons

that want to devour me

but i wont listen to ur lies

even though my heart may be gone

i want to be free

even tho i never wi

Sep 15, 2009


Complex questions
simple answers
dried mascara
stained on pale while soft cheeks
with simple answers
comes more questions
to slay a life
by each passing pill
one more
to salvation.